Dedicated to building the Statue of Lady Justice on Alcatraz Island in
San Francisco Bay!
Big Picture: We want your help to build the
Statue of Lady Justice on Alcatraz Island.
Please click on Lady Justice and enter your email!
Are there words more stirring, more fundamental to the American ideal? There is a reason schoolchildren learn and recite these words as they honor our flag.
We fought to secure and protect our LIBERTY as a new country. As citizens, we share in the benefits of that independence and self-determination.
But JUSTICE has been a harder battle to win for all. The struggle goes on, from century to century, decade to decade, and sadly still today.
“Lady Liberty” has long stood in New York Harbor as a beacon of optimism and hope for all those who have sought liberty from oppression. It is time to honor the second part of the American promise.
Imagine “Lady Justice” standing on Alcatraz Island, welcoming travelers as they pass under the famed Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay. A shining beacon of optimism and hope for all those who have sought and continue to seek justice for all. Framing the country from sea to shining sea in the two beliefs we hold dear to our hearts.
Lady Justice… Blind to the bigotry of race. Blind to the bigotry of creed. Blind to the bigotry of birth and social position.
We need your help to make it happen!
Click on the Statue of Lady Justice and enter your email.
We will add you to the list of proud supporters dedicated to fulfilling the dream. You will receive periodic updates as we move forward with the great task of building the Statue of Lady Justice!
Thank You and God Bless America!